Bob Cook Last week host Richard Hamlet shared a message from the book of Luke and visited with Bob Cook. Bob serves with a unique organization called Mercy Ships, which reaches people in third-world countries with not only first-class medical treatment but also the...
A Flicker of Light Watch Dr. Richard Hamlet preach “A Flicker of Light” from 2 Chronicles 34:29-33. This sermon was recorded at East Acres Baptist Church in Millington, TN, on November 27th, 2022. Join Dr. Hamlet in person or online every Sunday at 11 AM CST. For more...
The Goodness of God Watch Dr. Richard Hamlet preach “The Goodness of God” from Romans 2:1-5. This sermon was recorded at East Acres Baptist Church in Millington, TN, on November 20th, 2022. Join Dr. Hamlet in person or online every Sunday at 11 AM CST. For more...
Russ Jones Every week, we visit with people who are using their platform to make a difference. This week’s guest is no stranger to the program. Russ Jones is the Chief Storyteller and Executive Producer of the Abide Prayer and Meditation App. Their mission is for the...
Freedom in Christ Watch Dr. Richard Hamlet preach “Freedom in Christ” from Acts 13:36-39! This bilingual sermon was recorded in English, with Spanish translation by Irving Ravelo, in Memphis, TN. Watch this...
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