News, sermons, bilingual messages, and radio programming from Dr. Richard Hamlet.
The Seventy Sent Out
Dr. Richard Hamlet shares from the book of Luke in this Marketplace Messages sermon: “The Seventy Sent Out” on Facebook Live.
Turning from Idols with Jeff Kemp
This week, Dr. Richard Hamlet visits with Author, Public Speaker, and former Pro Athlete, Jeff Kemp about an organization called Fatherhood CoMission.
Minister on Trial with Dr. Richard Hamlet
What started as an idea has now led to owning multiple Spanish Christian radio stations across the country. Tune in this week to hear from Dr. Richard Hamlet!
Buenas Nuevas in Albuquerque
Buenas Nuevas has arrived in Albuquerque! Buenas Nuevas’ mission is to reach Hispanics with the good news of the gospel through music and messages.
The Story of a Rich Man with Dr. Richard Hamlet
Our Host, Dr. Richard Hamlet, recently joined Stu Epperson on his national program to talk about his calling to reach the Hispanic community for Christ.